Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year and a New Begining

I did not particularly plan on waiting until now to restart this blog. It's more that the advent of the new year has lit a small fire to actually be more productive and accomplish more things that bring me joy and fulfilment. I find that all too often I let the things that bring me the greatest joy and satisfaction slide.

That being said I intend as part of an effort to maintain and feed this fire of creative, inspiration, and desire to act and accomplish things, I will do my absolute best to make one post every day for the year, even if it's something as simple as sharing, a quote, article or video. If I feel particularly inspired I might even find away to get some guest posters here to cover days when I know I need a day or two break to think.

This blog will not just cover the use of dance in a religious context but also things of spiritual and religious nature that are tangentially related, be they discussion and clarification of terms, concepts, flights of inspirational fancy, poetry, prayers, meditations, etc.

I won't try to put any more specific schedule together about doing things on specific days,  I do like how Belly Dance Daily Quickie does it, but I'm trying to build momentum so I don't want to trip myself up by making things more complicated right at the start.

Success or failure in this isn't if I actually do post every single day, it's about setting a goal and doing the best I can to meet it, to accomplish things I've always meant and wanted to do but never had enough faith in my own voice to do it.

So here is my statement of intent, and I pray that this year holds in it many victories large and small in both creative, spiritual, and mundane ventures.



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